Advertise On

About - Baltimore's Events and Information Directory is a resource directory for posting and finding events of all types taking place in the Baltimore area and beyond.

Why Advertise?

Advertising That Works

Why Advertise on - Baltimore Events and Information Directory? Your goal is to bring attention to and to promote your event or information, and you want a service that works. Unlike most Internet web sites, where, whether you can post your information for a fee or for free, that don't advertise and promote to the Baltimore area communities, we at do. Chances are you are at our site because you saw our advertising somewhere in the Baltimore area. We don't place you on a web site where you sit and hope someone will see your advertisement, instead through direct-marketing we advertise and promote to the Baltimore area population directing end-users to our site to see your advertisement. Therefore, advertising with is a resource service you can count on for results.

No Email Floods saves your contacts from flooding their Inbox with saved email announcements. Send them a link to instead where your announcement can stay until your event has taken place.


One-Month Ad
Advertise your event for one month (30-days) on at an affordable rate
Cost: $30.00 per month

Multiple Months AD
Advertise your event for several months, and as far in advance, on to gain maximum exposure
Cost: $30.00 first month, $20.00 each additional month

Subscription Ad Package: The Subscription Ad Package allows your business to post up to three events per month to the Events and Information Directory. This affords you a savings in cost.
A Subscription Ad Package is the best investment when you have ongoing events. Night Clubs featuring diverse guest performers, or Restaurants featuring special events, Organizations with ongoing public meetings are some examples of businesses that would benefit from a Subscription Ad Package.
The Subscription Ad Package cost: $450.00 per year (includes 'Business Listing' $165.; Calendar Listing - $240; 'Banner Ad'- $225.; and 'Display Ad' - $250.) - this is a savings of up to $430.00

Ad Card

The Ad Card, located in the center column of Home Page is desiged to ensure your information is transmitted clearly. The Ad Card is designed with your logo and color scheme with space for your announcement details. The card becomes your template for repeat advertising wherein your 'brand' remainds the same and only the announcement information needs to be updated. For example see the Ad Card on the Home Page.

Banner Ad

The Banner Ad, located in the left column of the Home Page, is your permanent presence on, as such your advertising will be seen by every visitor to this web site. The Banner Ad is hyperlinked to your website or webpage.
Banner Ad advertising cost: $225.00 per year.

The Process

1. Arrange payment method
2. Send us your written announcement via email (preferred), or by mail
3. Send us your image (picture, graphic) via email (preferred), or by mail
4. We will post the announcement on
5. We will call you to confirm the posting

Contact Us

Call: 443-453-3010

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